CHAPTER TWO - The Intruder
In the depths of the forest a lean and yet muscular lupine stood. He was frozen in silence, and hismovement came from his ears that twitch; dialing in at every sound. The wolf was not black, nor was he white. Instead the male was a striking grey color. His visage shown with streaks of black, but where complimented by the the white tip of his tail. The entire conversation had been over heard.
For many days the young male had stood in this exact spot. The slowly sloping bluff joined by countless trees of different specie, that he now perched atop. This area was well hidden and out of site from the southern den of Malaki, and Akilla. The masculine's features now peeled upward into a uneasy grin. The news of the newborn pup had finally come, and at this point there was no reason to stay any longer. Slowly his body ached into motion, and in a gracefuly sway, the animal swiveled and paced off into the darkness.
After a few days the gray male wolf approached the northern boarder. There he was greated by another black male. His burning yellow eyes fixated on the grey male then spoke. "What do you call yourself?" The male had a thick english accent that was suprising to the grey wolf.
"My name is Mathius. You may call me Mat. I am here to bring news of the southern tribe." The brillant yellow eyes of the black male widened suddenly, and then he called for another wolf.
"Hey! You!" A younger wolf neared them, and then halted beside the other ebony wolf. "Stay here and guard this area. I will return shortly." The youth nodded slowly then turned his gaze to the thick trees. "We shall be on our way." The male motioned to the grey wolf, and the pair stroled off into the distance toward the gathering point.
"Lets go..."
Soon they neared the center of the territory. The north was the larger of tribes, and had a little over thirty members. The south had about twentyfive members, but were much more organized. Five minutes past and the two wolves entered a small pathway. There they were led into a grand opening. Shrouded by thick canopy, and an immence wall of brush.Suddenly the black wolf with the yellow eyes stopped, bowed, then backed away. Confused the grey wolf glanced toward his companion, only to see him galloping away...
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